Winfred Taylor

I began my interest in art with self taught drawing at 10 years old using home objects for study. Age twelve started practicing human form with my younger brother as a volunteer model. Around this time, age 12 , 13 I took sewing and music lessons . I continued drawing and sewing on my own until I started taking art classes in jr. high school. I was chosen for school and city wide art shows displayed throughout the school system and the surrounding area. I continued with art in high school, where I did my first painting (a portrait) and at 27 I went to college in Washington state. While attending The University of Washington, I studied studio art; ceramics, screenprinting, photography, and lots of life drawing and painting. I lived and showed in the Seattle area for over 30 years. I was showing at the University, in coffee shops and invited studio shows, along with personal studio shows. There I had been fortunate to be educated and embraced for my creative abilities. From a young age, I was drawn to the arts and crafts both for its allure and to escape. I liked being involved in transforming someone’s experience in a unique and positive way. There have been several times when art created a beautiful and grounding experience, while at other times art has been solely responsible for stabilizing my existence.